Uncooperative Wildlife

Back south, from Lochgoilhead to Rothesay, on Bute, was a very gentle motor-sail in hot sunshine.  It was more motoring than sailing, in the light breezes.  It was a great relief to have the propeller running smoothly again.  It was also a relief to be able to shed oilskins and layers of clothing.

Very soon, we passed Castle Carrick, one of many castles in this area, which are often quite austere.  One gets the impression that there used to be a lot of strong disagreements around here.

Castle Carrick
The gentle conditions gave us plenty of time to admire the wildlife.  However, photographing it proved beyond us.  Below is Rosie's picture of a gannet, diving for a fish, just after it had dived!  We could have taken a beautiful seal picture and a picture of two small dolphins, playing together, but they also dived before we could get close enough.  It seems that one needs a very long camera lens, a very steady platform (preferably not a boat) and a lot of time.  We still haven't see a red squirrel either, the tricky little devils.

A Gone Gannet
Rothesay turned out to be a very pleasant place with friendly locals and lots to do and see, so our planned one night stop turned into two.  This decision happened about the time that David, the berthing master, suggested that we shouldn't leave without seeing the fabled Mount Stuart House.  He was right.


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