Kerrera Rocks
The winds to the lee of the high mountains on Mull do funny things. So it was that, on our short passage from Loch Aline to the isle of Kerrera, opposite Oban, we saw winds dropping from force 4/5 to flat calm and then back to force 6/7 on the beam. This gave us an easy 7 knots with 2 reefs in the mainsail, as we sailed into harbour. We love the short fetch around here, giving mainly flat water. Yesterday we visited Oban, which seemed rather big and noisy by our standards, so today we went for a walk around Kerrera, gentle and quiet. Oban from McCaig's Tower Kerrera Cow On our walk we found a mobile 'phone, lying undamaged on the stony track, which we used to call a random person in Germany (recently called list). This turned out to be the owner's daughter-in-law, who called the owner's wife and soon the relieved German gentleman had his 'phone back. Luckily he didn't have a code to turn it on (although he should have)! As well as improving i...