Back In Time – 5100 Years

From Stronsay to Papa Westray was a mere 15 miles, sailed in mainly light conditions.  This took us to a beautiful, almost deserted bay, tucked inside Holm of Papa (a little island) and surrounded by lands rich in ancient history.  Again, the Orkney Council had provided a visitors buoy, free of charge.  Again, we were the only yacht around and had the buoy and the bay to ourselves, except for a couple of local boats on their own moorings.

Rapport from Papa Westray looking towards Holm of Papa

The water was beautifully clear and the seaweed strands could be seen, growing from sandy bed up to the surface.  Sand eels swam in small shoals and velvet crabs wandered on the bottom.

Papa Westray Looking SE and Down Into The Water
Ashore, we admired the local livestock.

Strange Local Sheep
Near South Wick aerodrome (shortest commercial flight in the world, about 2 minutes to Westray, fastest recorded flight time being 55 seconds) was the ruins of a 5100 year old house and workshop, at Knap of Howar.  This was small version of Skara Brae but with the advantages that we alone there (except for a friendly local farmer, mowing the grass) and that we could wander freely inside.
Knap of Howar - House and Connected Workshop or Store

Rosie Explains the 5100 Year Old Interior

Doug at the Front Door

We returned to the boat via the Kirk of St Boniface (12th century but much altered in 1700).

Kirk of St Boniface

Presbyterian Interior of Kirk of St Boniface


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